This section desctibes a progress object and its proprties, default values of properties for different instances of progress object.

Structure of section:

List of properties

Property name Type Description
trackBorderColor Array Array of numbers for the border gradient color of the track.
trackBackgroundColor Array Array of numbers for the background gradient color of the track.
barBorderColor Array Array of numbers for the border gradient color of the bar.
barBackgroundColor Array Array of numbers for the background gradient color of the bar.
text String Gets or sets the text for the progress element.
textAlign String Gets or sets how text is aligned in a progress.
fontName String The name of the font for text in the progress.
fontSize uint The size of the font for text in the progress.
fontBold Boolean Specifies whether the text is boldface.
fontUnderline Boolean Indicates whether the text in the progress is underlined.
fontItalic Boolean Indicates whether text in the progress is italicized.
barFontColor uint Indicates the color of the text of the bar.
trackFontColor uint Indicates the color of the text of the track.
x* uint Gets or sets the x coordinate that represents the position of the progress along the x axis.
y* uint Gets or sets the y coordinate that represents the position of the progress along the y axis.
width* uint Gets or sets the width of the progress element.
height* uint Gets or sets the height of the progress element.
visible Boolean Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the progress instance is visible.
* - property has above value when a size of the EAFlashUpload object on the page is 450x350. In other cases the value is changed due to auto resizing.



Displays total progress of the upload operation.

List of default values:
Property name Default value
trackBorderColor [#8ca2b2]
trackBackgroundColor [#ffffff]
barBorderColor [#8ca2b2]
barBackgroundColor [#8bd78b, #01b801]
text ""
textAlign "center"
Possible values: "left", "center", "right"
fontName "_sans"
fontSize 12
fontBold false
fontUnderline false
fontItalic false
barFontColor #000000
trackFontColor #000000
x* 10
y* 274
width* 260
height* 7
visible false
* - property has above value when a size of the EAFlashUpload object on the page is 400x350. In other cases the value is changed due to auto resizing.

Description of appropriate property you can find here Properties of progress object.


The property of the progressAll is assigned via flashvars object of SWFObject on the html page:

flashvars["view.progressAll.barBackgroundColor"] = "#8bd78b|#01b801";